Tai Yi Wuxing Quan
Wudang Taiji (Tai Chi)
Wudang Kung Fu differs from other Kung Fu practices in that it always contains an internal element to the style. Internal styles use energy generated from the stances and positioning of the feet and legs, through the hips and torso rather than through overt muscular force.
This lends itself perfectly to a gentle practice that can be adapted for older practitioners or those that have joint pain or injuries. This allows you to exercise and receive the benefits of the martial art and eliminate injuries from practice as well as strengthen and heal old injuries.
While these forms are gentle, they are very advanced and can be a satisfying challenge for those that are looking to push themselves.
Tai Chi (Taiji) forms embody the balance of Yin and Yang by bringing them together in every movement. Movements are relaxed and yet have an internal strength. The forms always use the concept of using softness to overcome hardness and using stillness to combat movement. The Internal and External movement work together to create an overall feeling of well-being in addition to improving your physical health.
Tai Yi forms separate Yin and Yang and embody the two extremes. Movements are relaxed and interspersed with bursts of energetic fast movements called "Fa Jin" 發勁. The forms work from the outside, external movements and when coordination and stability are achieved, then you will have the proper alignment and grounding to perform the Fa Jin movements. Then, we achieve the two-extremes necessary for Tai Yi. We are soft when yielding and explosive when striking.
Each form has unique elements that will benefit your body, mind and martial arts practice.
At Wudang Toronto, we teach Tai Yi Wu Xing Quan, which translates to "Two Extremes Five Element Fist". It is one of the most ancient forms of Wudang Kung Fu and can be traced back to the 14th Century. It is comprised of 81 movements. When practicing it, coordination and internal work becomes more important than using physical strength.
The Tai Chi that we teach is Wudang Taiji 28 form. It is closely associated with the much longer Taiji 108 form. Taiji 28 consists of 28 movements.
Read more in depth about each of there styles by clicking the links below: